Part 3: The Big Picture
What picture do you wished you had taken?
Easy. The greatest album cover by the only band that ever mattered - London Calling by the Clash, featuring the iconic picture of Paul Simonon smashing his bass guitar on stage in New York, September 1979 - as shot by Pennie Smith. I have the vinyl cover hanging in my living room. That said, it'd be impressive if I did shoot it as I was only 6 months old at the time.
If you couldn't shoot landscapes, what would you shoot?
I love the idea of doing street photography, but I've never mustered the courage to do so. I have a few local friends lined up to go shooting and learning with when COVID feels more manageable.
I think shooting rock concerts would be amazing too, although I'm not sure the lifestyle would fit in with family life! My one and only foray into "rock concert photography" would be when my wife and I saw The Tragically Hip in Manchester, England - the room held around 500, and approximately 490 were Canadian. We missed the first few songs as we didn't realize there was no support - we were drinking in the Student's Union Bar (cheap beer) and heard the opening notes of Courage (for Hugh MacLennan). I've never moved so fast... While our "first set" spot was at the back, we managed to work through the crowd for the 2nd set - and here is the proof taken with my trusty point-n-shoot:
My wife sang with Gord that night. It's truly the first famous person's death that hit me hard.
What is your biggest photography regret?
By far and away, I wished I'd bought and learned how to shoot with an SLR / DSLR earlier in life. I think about all the time I wasted at university sitting around when I could have really mastered photography - and who knows how that may have shifted my future? That said, not having fancy kit meant I had to learn to compose interesting shots with what I had, so perhaps I would have had the skills but lack of an eye for composition?
What was the best piece of photography advice you were given?
Three pieces stand out, both given in this last year -
"Always keep shooting only for you" - i.e. if you don't like it and don't enjoy it, it will show...
and - in relation to setting up my photography business "The hardest part in any journey is the first step".
The former piece of advice keeps me connected to love what I do, and the latter keeps me motivated when it feels like a slow slog!
But the best - "it's still art, even if nobody is buying it"!
What is your favorite time to take pictures?
In terms of season - fall, definitely. I love the golds and the oranges! In terms of time of day - sunset (see answer for fall). So peak would be a fall sunset!
If you could shoot anything, anyone or anywhere, what would you pick?
Contrary to my answer above, I'd love to shoot Paris (France) in springtime with my DSLR. I was in Paris during late March 2003; it truly is an amazing time of year.... Spring is the only season my wife and I haven't been to Paris, so perhaps we should treat ourselves one day...
And finally, what is the one question you were hoping no-one would ask?
Hahaha! I guess "What is the most embarrassing picture you've ever had taken of you?"
And I'll never tell... nor, should I add, do I have it in my possession...